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Ali Kaya / aboatreboot
MIT LicenseUpdated -
A tutorial on building a chatbot using IBM Watson Conversation for the ”Introduction to IT” course (Autumn 2017)
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Sudeep Kanur / ravenflow
MIT LicenseUpdated -
stc / experiments / sbft2023
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sudeep Kanur / saiot
MIT LicenseLab exercise files for System Architecture for Internet of Things
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Infuze test generator and fault localizer tool implemented using metamorphic testing and spectrum based fault localization techniques.
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stc / experiments / ogan
MIT LicenseRequirement falsification for cyber-physical systems using generative models and the OGAN algorithm. This is an entry in the falsification track of the ARCH-COMP 2023 competition on verifying continuous and hybrid systems.
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stc / stgem
MIT LicenseSystem testing using Generative Models. API v1. There is a new API version in https://gitlab.abo.fi/stc/stgem2
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stc / The Surface Ship Simulator SSS
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Johan Lilius / MobileNet
Apache License 2.0A Clearer and Simpler MobileNet Implementation in TensorFlow
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Johan Lilius / CenterNet
MIT LicenseObject detection, 3D detection, and pose estimation using center point detection:
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Johan Lilius / CornerNet
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
aaust / stream / org.abo.preesm.ldpc
MIT LicenseLDPC decoder implementation using SDFG and PiMM